Blockchain Technology/Cryptocurrency

Blockchain technology/cryptocurrency is now being considered by some government and corporate bodies. There is little or no legal frame work regulating blockchain technology/cryptocurrency in the CEMAC region in general and Cameroon in particular. Investors and clients with whom we had worked with in relation to this field were satisfied with our legal opinion and how we guided them through the process of establishing and investing into this sector.

As cryptocurrency increasingly gains acceptance into Cameroons financial mainstream, DH Law Firm is dedicated to provide sophisticated and knowledgeable legal counsel to clients navigating this rapidly evolving space.  We provide counsel on key regulatory considerations impacting on businesses both creating and harnessing the digital assets, tech contracts and assisting in disputes related to ICOs.

DH LAW FIRM is one of the few law firms in Cameroon with considerable knowledge in this rapidly growing field and provides top-tier legal representation for clients requiring assistance in this complex area of the law.