International Mutual Legal Assistance

Request for international legal assistance is now a common phenomenon in international crimes and investigations. The host country where the suspect or evidence is, will be in a better position to investigate and arrest the suspect or provide the evidence.

The service of Mutual Legal Assistance is not common amongst law firms in Central Africa, that’s why Diamond Hill Law Firm stands to be one of those firms offering this service. It is however complex in providing such a service due to the political culture in Cameroon and in other Central African states. Therefore, we have to gather more experience in our approach and also provide results within a reasonable time.

With the growing trend of cyber-crimes and other fraud schemes in Africa, our team is ready to advice governments, individuals, educational institutions, non-governmental organisations and other foreign institutions. We assist clients in preparing the request for MLA, advise them of the right agency to table the request, and also do follow up. However, MLA request which doesn’t respect international standard and are of a political nature shall be rejected.